
Saturday, 21 October 2017

Readathon October 2017

Dewey's Readathon is with us once again for our biannual slouch on the sofa day. Despite a very much extended working day I made it back a mere two hours after the official start time. There are no spare batteries anywhere in the house so we cobbled together a photo using photobooth. We dashed out yesterday to pick up our copy of Philip Pullman's 'The Book of Dust' part 1 ... yes I know it came out on Thursday but I was too soggy and late after work to make it to Chorlton Bookshop. We have books, we have snacks, we have a hexipuff quilt to keep us cosy. I don't even feel that sleepy considering I have been up since 4am, though I don't anticipate being able to make the full 24 hours this time. Monkey is starting the day with 'Naked Lunch' by William S Burroughs and is on page 115. I am reading Anne Frank's diary, for the third time, in anticipation of our trip to Amsterdam next month, and am at page 63.

Over on The Book Monsters you can join in with the 'Book and Beverage' challenge.

5.30am I've had a little nap but Monkey has made it through the night. I finished Anne Frank's Diary and Monkey finished Naked Lunch. I am now reading 'The Hate U Give' by Angie Thomas, that has been my breakfast book/tram book for a couple of weeks, and Monkey is reading 'The Magus' by John Fowles, a book that I pressed on her having been a serious John Fowles reader during my 20s.
7.30am Monkey is having a nap and I have finished The Hate U Give. Not sure what to read next.
9am. I am reading 'Carrying the Elephant' by Michael Rosen. I like this poem.