
Sunday, 25 January 2009

Felting experiment

I have been thinking for some time of doing some felting so have started by doing a basic bag. It was knitted as a long rectangle with side panels and handles added and sewn into shape. I put it through the washing machine at 60 degrees, twice. The first time still left it a little soft and shapeless. I am sorry that I didn't think to take a 'before' picture as it would give a good impression of the effect of the felting process. It has shrunk I guess by about 30%. The striped pattern was created randomly out of left over scraps.
So I have spent the day browsing for other patterns and yarn to do some further experiments.


  1. have a look at that

  2. Hey, I want to try one now. Have wanted to for ages, but if you are doing it, then I am motivated to try as well. :-) How did you attach the handles? WHat were your beginning and finishing dimensions? Adn are you going to line it? I have plenty of wool I can use, I think.


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.