
Tuesday, 26 May 2009

jobs done...

The fun of this (how sad am I) is that I can add little things I do to the list just for the fun of ticking them off:
  • get new watch strap for Tish
  • buy new colour cartridge for the printer
So I did the bathroom ceiling and the fridge freezer, walked to the post office and got the car tax, then made a strap, buttons and loops for the green bag I made yesterday but then have spent much of the afternoon browsing the photographs of people's projects on the 'Working with Felt' site, but it is time well spent as it is very inspirational.
Oh yes, forgot to add the most important job:
  • make birthday cake

And I finished off sewing together the green bag:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you did turn a pouch into a bag! Love it. It looks so soft and cuddly.


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