
Saturday, 20 June 2009

Free Form Needle Felting

The felting needles arrived a couple of days ago along with a nice thick sponge mat. I didn't really have much idea what I might do with them so was just tinkering around with some little bits to see how it worked. I made one little piece, then another, then attached them together and added some blobs. It wasn't looking like anything so I just kept making shapes and attaching them and adding loopy twists of roving around the edges. And I invented 'free form' needle felting. Ok, probably not invented, but I have seen lots of people doing free form crochet and knitting but not needle felting. No use to anyone but strangely satisfying.
This is how the second one started off; the main bit was lengths of different colour roving woven loosely together then needle felted.
Then I attached the whole thing to a lovely piece of backing felt that I made ages ago. It is made from alpaca with bits of sari silk fibre snipped on to it randomly. I am pleased with this one, it actually looks like a piece of fibre art.
Then I made the mistake of giving my daughter M a 20 second lesson in how to use the felting needles and now I have to buy another felting mat as she is absconding with the original one. She started off with a little circle and made it into this lovely felted cuff:

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