
Wednesday, 13 January 2010

have I done a desk tidy post before?

I was about to entitle this post 'Tidying the Desk' when I had a bit of a deja vu moment, because of course the desk drawers do get out of hand on a regular basis. It has been on my 'jobs to do' list for some months now, and since the fresh layer of snow prevented us from going out as planned today it actually got done. I tend to like to have a nice sense of achievement from my tidying so decided to record the 'before':
and 'after' phases of the operation:
The other two drawers were a less dramatic transformation. We (by that I mean Dunk) have a very old, very large (4 foot by 6 foot) former 'executive' leather topped desk that fills one end of the bedroom. I use the drawers on one side and his junk fills the other side (and his junk fills the top surface too), it feels like a reasonable arrangement most of the time. On the up side I did find the spare power wire for the laptops, one died (it started smoking!) and the other one is just about holding together and we have been passing it back and forth for weeks.
So I have achieved something on my day off and now I can do something more enjoyable Oh yes, and M now has green hair. Will add a photo later when they have finished and all the green on her face has washed off a bit:-)

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