
Saturday, 18 December 2010

Anniversary of sorts

Today is my eighth anniversary of working for Royal Mail. On my first day I rather foolishly thought that since the manager said the shift was 5.30am to 1.30pm that I would be home and dry by 1.30. I think we got back to the office at around 4pm, and the day was finished with Rich buying me a bacon and egg sandwich at Ali's snack bar in the lay-by on the A429 just north of Moreton.
Today I am nearly as knackered. It snowed overnight so I did not risk the bike but walked the two miles to work. Then I walked my duty, about 4 hours, then I walked the two miles home. Then I walked up to the south west office to do an overtime indoor shift and walked home again four hours later.
After a lovely dinner of casserole and dumplings Tish phoned, a bit upset, so I went over to see her, which involved a bus to town then a walk down to her house ... then the same in reverse some time later.
So here are my feet ... well and truly **up** ... with cup of tea and home made mince pies. Tomorrow I may post the recipe for the mincemeat. We went into Unicorn and even their supposedly wholesome mincemeat seemed to be mainly sugar syrup and apple pulp, so I made my own.

1 comment:

  1. May I just say THANK YOU lovely postie people for posting and delivering packages and cards to me even on a Sunday despite such horrid weather - thank you, thank you, thank you!! I couldn't beleive my Sunday post - I was so so so happy!! Thank you!!!

    Take care


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