
Friday, 7 January 2011

Listen if you dare

So I had this song going round my head all morning ... who knows why ... it just popped up and I couldn't get rid of it, but it did keep me going though a very cold and damp morning.

I think Christmas is finally over, I hope I delivered my last card this morning ... dated 13th of December so it had taken a mere 26 days to travel from Ireland to Manchester ... who knows where it has been in the meantime ... the inner workings of the Royal Mail system sometimes astound me. The parcel backlog is still arriving in the office and may take weeks to sort out.

We have had a busy time with first Dunk's daughter Angharad here for New Year and then Lewis and Rachel came down for a few days this week. We hung out and watched a lot of bad films, ate comfort food and chatted reptiles (and failed to take any photos). It was all nice, family are easy to have around because you don't have to entertain them.
I have been reading and knitting but both will have to wait for another post as I have to pop to the library now.


  1. Snap - hopefully what will prove out last Christmas card arrived today. Still one present (despatched 8th December) outstanding!

    Have a Good New Year.

  2. Oh now I have that song going round my head too!! But it's a lovely ditty and at least I recognise the tune!! LOL!!

    I think you postpeople did wonderfully!! Well all my cards and packages were received and delivered on time (even the ones for overseas!!). So thank you thank you thank you!

    Take care


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