
Monday, 14 March 2011

Finished projects

I have been enjoying wearing my 'Cables and Eyelet Hoodie' for the last week having spent an entire evening sewing it up, though the final finishing has only just been completed. I bought some lovely wooden buttons from a little ebay store called Textile Garden, they come with little holes so you can decorate them, or as I have done here, make them match your garment by threading some yarn around the edge.
Here is the finished article. I am very pleased and it is lovely and cosy.

M intensely dislikes having her photo taken but she did oblige by actually putting the socks on so I could take a picture. I had a minor panic when I fastened off the second sock and found to my horror that I had dropped several stitches in the final decrease, so had to undo the toe and redo the last two rows.
Then I found that I did not have any knitting project on the go so dug out some rainbow homespun yarn from the stash and started another pair of socks.

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