
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Duvet Day

I started my day off with a plan yesterday and even managed to carry most of it through. I confess I would rather have had a Duvet Day (though we tend to define it as a Dressing Gown Day, one where you don't get dressed all day and do pretty much nothing, though you are not obliged to actually stay in bed) having been feeling really exhausted recently, but there are always so many things to do on my day off.
I finished off yesterday's blog post and wrote a short piece for the Open Stories "Real Story 2011 Competition" that I came across via the Manchester Literary Festival (it is closing Saturday so you'd have to be quick). I am going to be volunteering, and hopefully blogging too, for the literature festival that is happening over two weeks in October and am really looking forward to it.
The job I really had planned though was a new duvet cover. My first foray into duvets was a lovely patchwork velvet one for Creature that you can see in this old post, made when we moved to Fosseway Avenue, and the inauguration of this blog was a post about the first one I made for Tish. Dunk and I have had one done in purple satin made at least five years ago, it has irritated me for some time because it did not fit the duvet very well and the fabric had become very worn. I have a very large fabric stash because at some time in the far distant future this may become a home business (I have six or seven made up ready to go in an Etsy shop), and having trawled through it yesterday I plumped for the embroidered duck egg blue with a shot gold/blue edging. I cannibalised the old one, removing the cotton backing fabric to use on the new one so that I could get it finished. I sewed to the accompaniment of 'Fahrenheit 451' on audiobook, that I will review for you later. For once the sewing machine did not put up a fight so it all went pretty smoothly, and we cuddled up quite contented under the new one.

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