
Monday, 17 October 2011

More on writing

A couple of days ago I revisited the Guardian article on 'Ten rules for writers' and on the recommendation of Hilary Mantel I bought a second hand copy of 'Becoming a Writer' by Dorothea Brande. Though the opening is very inspiring and encouraging to anyone with writerly aspirations she then says something which was at once depressing (for being so frighteningly true) but which also lays a heavy weight of responsibility:

"The influence of any widely read book can hardly be overestimated. If it is sensational, shoddy, or vulgar our lives are the poorer for the cheap ideals which it sets in circulation; if, as so rarely happens, it is a thoroughly good book, honestly conceived and honestly executed, we are all indebted to it." (p.19)

I anticipate this book will have some interesting food for thought.
I have also been keeping up with my 100 Words every day so far this month, the ones I have been pleased with are included over on Leave No Sign.


  1. Thanks a million for the Guardian link - the suggestions are so varied it's easy to pick and mix what apeals to me - like advice about drinking red wine!

  2. Thanks for the G link. I hadn't read it and have been writing about related matters this week.


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.