
Tuesday, 22 May 2012


I am still in love with Noro ever since my first encounter with it three years ago, there is even some in the blanket. It is very expensive, so I hope to find it occasionally in the sale, as I did at Black Sheep Wools the other week. These lovely socks for my dad's birthday today were done in Kureyon sock yarn. All Noro yarns have this wonderful colour variation, but amazingly these socks match almost exactly, When I started the second sock I found I was at the same point in the colour cycle as the first one, if the first one had been knitted half an inch longer the colours would not have matched up, how's that for serendipity. Fortunately I had also just finished sewing in the ends when I sat on and snapped yet another of my bamboo DPNs, I do like them to knit with but they are rather delicate. 

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