
Friday, 7 September 2012

Cosy slippers for Fibre Arts Friday

It's not every week that I manage to finish another project so here I am joining in with Fibre Arts Friday again. This week I have mostly been playing with the second of two hanks of Rowan Colourscape Chunky which I bought on ebay several years ago. I felted my mum some slippers ages ago and they have worn out so I promised to make her something new. These are knitted to a very simple pattern called Toasty Toes Slippers.
 Like my homespun socks they are a pair but not strictly matching. Knitted up they measured 12 inches:
When put through the wash they shrank down to a nice neat 9 inches and they fit me snugly so they should be just right for mum. I might think about adding some soles to make them more hardwearing:


  1. They've turned out exactly as it says on the tin! Yay! Take care

  2. These are gorgeous! I love non matching homemade socks and slippers, it's one of a kind :D

  3. I love them! They look super comfortable. I'd put bottoms on them, if they were last longer.

  4. Fun with yarn doesn't get any better than that Rowan Colorscape! And, your have some warm slippers as a result!

  5. They look great, and I love the way they don't match.

  6. That's such a pretty yarn, I don't think I've ever seen it before. Lovely slippers!


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.