
Friday, 8 March 2013

Birthday reflections and Fibre Arts Friday

So yesterday was my 21st birthday (again). I got despondent in my mid thirties about the advancing years and so decided to start counting backwards, and as with such things the offspring have continued to find it amusing, consequently Creature made me a 21st birthday cake.
Mum and dad sent me this most beautiful enamelled pendant from a craft event at Bovey Tracey, made by an artist called Janine Partington. As I said to mum on the phone it is the most perfect of presents as I would have seen it and thought how lovely but never bought it for myself. I gave up wearing much in the way of jewellery when the children were tiny since babies always got their fingers tangled in necklaces (and who has time in the morning to choose body decoration with four small children demanding food), so maybe now is the time to start again.
I had a plan to write myself a 'before I'm 50' bucket-list-type-thing of stuff to try and work on/achieve/whatever over the next year but I didn't want it to be a 'go bungee jumping/skydiving/walk the great wall of china' thing (mainly because I have no money, but also because I am not that into heights:-) Anyway I made a list that is more like new year resolutions than buckets:

  • submit something to the Bridport Prize competition 
  • learn some poetry by heart 
  • spend more time reading and less on the computer
  • systematically look for a new job
  • stick with the zumba
  • go to the theatre
  • go back to the felting and spinning, much neglected in the last year
I have started doing a course on Coursera entitled Know Thyself, a mixture of philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, aesthetics and Buddhism (as the description says), run by the University of Virginia. I have started (yet another) blog as a place to put the 'assignments', though strictly the assignments are for your own benefit and you pass the course by passing the online tests each week, but I feel like what is the point if you don't give some real thought to the questions they are raising. So far, so interesting.

Since today is Friday please also pop over (for those craftily inclined) to Fibre Arts Friday and see the shares. I have spun one hank of the roving that I dyed last week and am very pleased with it. I only use a spindle and just spin singles, I have no idea how to go about plying. Not sure I will knit anything with it any time soon as Dunk has been hinting for his jumper and I have a plan for a knitted dress that we found in one of Julie's magazines.


  1. Happy Birthday! 21 again is a GREAT AGE!! And now you even have a bucket list! :-)

    Take care

  2. Happy Birthday....I never had a birthday yet that made me want to go backwards, LOL. Your necklace is very pretty and it's great you've got your offspring joining in the fun.

  3. Happy Birthday. What a beautiful pendant, and your wool is lovely too.

  4. Happy "21st" Birday!! Evidently you're much loved and your parents know you so well. Love your spindle spun yarn, it's a gorgeous colour that you dyed. I have yet to master the spindle, much too impatient, give a wheel any day ;)

  5. Happy Birthday! Love your new yarn.


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