
Saturday, 1 June 2013

Reading about Crazy People

As soon as I finished 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn I gave the book to Creature, cos she loves books about crazy people, and so I had to snaffle a picture from the interweb. This is a book about crazy people. So we have Nick and we have Amy, and that's pretty much all I can tell you about the book. This will have to be the shortest review ever because I cannot risk giving stuff away and if I start writing about it I might just do so. 
There might be spoilers here, sorry.
Ok, I can tell you that Amy is the girl who is gone, but where she has gone and why she has gone there you will just have to read and find out. I have been in a bit of a funk reading-wise recently. I mean I have enjoyed things but not in a I-have-to-get-home-now-and-get-back-to-my-book way. What I needed to get out of my funk was a *really good* story. This is a really good story. She gives us the set-up, she gives us the disappearance, she gives us the back story, we think we know where it might be headed, we think we might be figuring out what's what ... and then all hell breaks loose. These are two very twisted people and in a lot of ways I think maybe they deserve each other. Part of me wanted it to all end in a magnificent fireball, but it is much more subtle and unsettling than that. It is very clever writing, very clever plotting, you get to think that Gillian Flynn is just as clever and manipulative as Amy. And then you turn and look over at your significant other and quietly ask for some reassurance that normal people don't think or act like this. Read, enjoy, and be glad that you live an ordinary life with an ordinary human being.

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