
Monday, 22 July 2013


We are off on Thursday to HESFES 2013. The multi-talented Ridley Birks Boy will be performing this year (pictured here caught in a rare moment without a musical instrument in his hands) and it was a bit of a last minute decision to go. We had such a brilliant time last year but things had seemed to be conspiring against a return visit to Suffolk. Creature is busy volunteering at the 24/7 Festival so will be joining us a few days late, so I won't even have her to worry about. I hope to find a moment this week to review Angela Carter's 'Wise Children' but to get myself in holiday mode I spent the day creating a banner for our campsite; it is made with felted letters appliquéd onto a piece of muslin fabric. I hope everyone in blogland is enjoying wherever and however you spend your holiday time that you are all making the most of the brilliant weather.
postscript: as I re-read last year's 'we are going to Hesfes' post I found that I mentioned reaching 40,000 blog views, and that gave me cause to feel very smug, because this year I have just passed 80,000 ...woo hoo!

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