
Monday, 31 March 2014

It's going to be a busy April

This will be my third year with the Blogging From A to Z Challenge. Last year I wrote children's book reviews and in 2012 I wrote 100 word flash fiction pieces based on words chosen with great care. I dithered rather badly about participating this year because we have so much other stuff going on but Monkey insisted, so her participation is going to be vital. I am going back to the flash fiction (without the specific word limit) but instead of pouring over the dictionary Monkey is going to give me the first word that pops into her head for each letter, with no preamble or changing of mind and I have to just go with it. It is a bit scary and my brain seizes up just contemplating it but what's the use of a 'challenge' if it's not hard. Good luck to everyone participating and I look forward to visiting loads of interesting new blogs.
Then on the 26th of April Monkey and we will participate in our third Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon. We have had a great time in the past and it's brilliant to have an excuse to do nothing but read for a whole day ... why I think I need an excuse I'm not sure. I have had a rather sluggish start to the reading year, quite a few audiobooks but not really many novels so I may do what I did in October and pick a pile from my extensive library wish list.

1 comment:

  1. I am participating in the A to Z challenge myself. I look forward to reading your flash fiction pieces. Good luck !

    I am getting to know of the readathon via your blog. It sounds exciting !! Thank you for sharing.


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