
Saturday, 26 April 2014

Duct tape is magic and should be worshipped

I finished 'The Martian' - 369 pages
Monkey is up to 309 of 'Cell' plus up to page 42 of Mansfield Park (but the posh people were too irritating so she went back to the scary one).

Joining in now with a few mini challenges 
The 'Shelfie Selfie' challenge is happening over with Kate at The Book Monsters
And the First Editions Challenge is happening at The Bluestocking Society with Jessica
Strangely neither of us has dozed off yet, and I am not even very tired. I am now starting 'The Innocents' by Francesca Segal, hopefully a little less stressful (plot wise that is) than The Martian. Catch you all later. Don't forget to pop back for our mini challenge at 7am.


  1. Hi hi! Just wanted to stop by and cheer you on! Your selfie looks lovely and it's fantastic that you're going so strong. I hope you have a fantastic time this readathon and I'll be cheering you on! :) #TeamMarquez

  2. Yay! Good job for doing mini challenges!! I have only done one!


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.