
Wednesday, 9 April 2014

H is for Horror

"Just look, did you see this?"
"That's outrageous."
"It's barbaric."
"How can this be happening in the twenty first century?"
"It shouldn't be allowed."
"It's torture."
"I just can't imagine..."
"There should be laws against it."
"Why doesn't their government protect them?"
"Why do they put up with it?"
"You'd think people would protest."
"Somebody should do something."
"I guess it's part of their culture."
"It's been going on for hundreds of years."
"It's not for us to tell them how to live."
"Thank goodness it's not like that over here."
"I'm going for a coffee, do you want to come?"

(Words for my flash fiction A to Z supplied spontaneously by Monkey... though not quite so fictional today.)
(Linking back to the A to Z challenge)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Like it...but hate it. If you know what I mean.

  3. It's so sad how we talk so much but do so little. I guess when problems affect other countries they're out of sight and out of mind.

    ~Tizzy @ Creative Therapy

  4. It's so sad how we talk so much but do so little. I guess when problems affect other countries they're out of sight and out of mind.

    ~Tizzy @ Creative Therapy


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