
Monday, 21 April 2014

R is for Rambunctious

"I can see the sea," Annie squealed. "Lets go faster."
Danny ran behind, down the last slope towards the promenade and then along the sea front. Annie's long hair flew back wildly, pulled loose from her scarf and tossed to and fro in the buffeting wind. A dozen seagulls swooped and called overhead, diving from their perches on the lampposts and circling round to alight on the railing. 
"Whoopee," she called back to him, waving her hands high in the air, her skirt flapping and ballooning around her knees. 
They reached the concrete ramp that led down on to the beach and raced to the bottom. And there they stopped, the wheels jammed firmly in the damp sand. 
Annie's cheeks were flushed and her eyes shone. 
"Sorry, Grandma, I can't push you any closer," said Danny.
"That's ok lovey, we'll just watch the waves from here."

(Words for my flash fiction A to Z supplied spontaneously by Monkey.)
(Linking back to the A to Z challenge)


  1. Loved this piece of 'flash' - can imagine grandma's excitement. It's good to meet you, Martine. Have a happy A-Z.

  2. Nice surprise twist. And I can really feel and see the moment.


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