
Monday, 23 March 2015

The 2015 A to Z Challenge

It is time again for the annual Blogging from A to Z Challenge, and today is the official 'Theme Reveal' event. Themes are not compulsory, but they do give you a bit of focus, since posting every day for a month can be quite a challenge (it wouldn't be much of a challenge if it wasn't challenging after all). I feel very aware that my posting rate has dropped off significantly this year ... I blame Words With Friends myself but maybe it's just apathy, so anyway, I'm going to need all the help I can get. With this in mind I have aimed for something more low key that in previous years and am going to post you some poetry over the month of April. Not my own I hasten to add, but a selection of thought provoking and entertaining verse that will span a wide spectrum of styles and subject matter. I hope it's not being too much of an intellectual snob to say that I think the world would be a better place if people read more poetry. As a taster, just to show that it doesn't have to be all Grecian Urns and Daffodils, here is the wonderful Billy Collins, who's birthday was yesterday, reading 'The Lanyard'. I hope you enjoy this, and maybe pop back next month to read (and probably hear) some others.



  1. Great theme! Can't wait to see :)
    Check out mine

  2. Sounds like an interesting theme! Word with Friends can get addicting. I also went through a phase when I spent way too much time playing Word Tornado. Good luck with the challenge!


  3. Hi, thanks for visiting Adventures of a retired librarian. I look forward to following your poetry theme too!


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.