
Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Poems and all that - an A to Z Reflections post

I made it through my fourth year of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, mainly this year by a lot of forward planning. Monkey came home for a visit and demanded my attention so it was a good thing I had written some of my posts well in advance. Over the first couple of weeks I did a lot of visiting but slowed down after that; I don't see the point of content-less comments so I would only comment if I found a blog interesting or amusing. Here are a few people who I have visited regularly over the month and will be continuing to follow:
Lisa @ Slow and Steady who's A to Z was 26 remarkable women.
Anabel @ Adventures of a Retired Librarian who did an A to Z of great things about libraries.
Nilanjana @ Madly-in -Verse who wrote an A to Z of poems responding to other poems
Zalka Csenge Virág @ MopDog who did A to Z Hungarian Horrible Histories, a fabulous journey through the gory side of medieval Hungary.
and Jules Smith who interviewed 26 people to learn the meaning of life ... and seemed to find it.

I so enjoyed the excuse to indulge in a lot of poetry reading, but am glad to put the heap of books back on the shelf as they were getting in the way in the bedroom chair. It did surprise me quite how many poetry books I own. Normal service will now resume, and I have a few posts to catch up on ... and a fortnight's holiday coming up so I hope to do a lot of reading. 
So thanks to all the hosts and assistants for a great challenge. Click the badge below to visit other participants in the A to Z reflections.


  1. Aww, thank you for the shout out! I am glad you enjoyed my blog! :) And your poetry theme was great too! I'm glad you had fun with the challenge, hope to see you around next year too! :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary

  2. Just now getting around to visiting the blogs in the challenge. April was a busy month for me. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!



Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.