
Friday, 21 August 2015

Nerds at the Edinburgh Fringe

Dunk and I saw Steve Mould at a freebie event at the Banshee Labyrinth, and decided we had to go and see the Festival of the Spoken Nerd. 'Just for Graphs' is an event for the 'sci-curious', and the three Nerds, Steve, Matt and Helen, gave us a highly entertaining mixture of mathematical stand-up, witty songs and dangerous experiments, involving a lot of fire and running an electric current through the audience. What is so brilliant is that it is not an attempt to 'make science fun', they just assume everyone in the audience is already interested, and they share their own enthusiasms and expertise in a totally amazing show. They are touring through till December, so there's sure to be a show somewhere near you.

(Tickets for all events can be booked through the Edfringe Website.)

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