
Monday, 9 May 2016

A to Z Challenge Reflections

It all started with the puzzle of Convergence that Dunk bought for me, which led to this second puzzle, 'Battle of Lights, Coney Island' by Joseph Stella, (bought from Barney's Newsbox) which led to my decision to blog about art for my A to Z Challenge this year. After much coaxing and cajoling and nagging I also managed to persuade Dunk to join in too, and much to my surprise he stuck it out and I learned all sorts of new stuff about him.

April's Blogging from A to Z Challenge always manages to bring me back to the early days of blogging when I used to spend a lot of time browsing other people's blogs, so I tend to use my reflections post to point people to a few new places that I have been visiting. 
Chicaderock blogged about life in Galicia in rural Spain, a real window on another world.
Edward Kowalski blogs at Rants Unto The Ether, does exactly what it says on the tin.
Daryl blogs at Fairwinds, and expounded the delights of owning goats.
Fantasy Writer Guy gave us a huge selection of film reviews, some excellent recommendations.
I always love the crafty bloggers, and my new find this year was Maggie C at Glass Manifestations, who does the most beautiful stained glass.
Sarah at Deeply Trivial was not trivial at all, a very informative A to Z on the subject of social psychology.
Tilting At Windmills is the home of Amy who is another inspiring homesteader.
Lynne writes about various stuff over at Lynnelives, though her A to Z was delightful little watercolours of fruit and veg.
And finally, Robyn at 'Life by Chocolate' gave us the most surreal of A to Z themes, replacing Donald Trump's hair with various insane images, it made me smile every time.

Thanks to the organisers and all the participants, the A to Z Challenge always renews my enthusiasm for blogging.


  1. Ah, thank you so much for the follow and the mention, Martine. I'm honored.
    Have a great week.

  2. Congrats on finishing, I loved Life By Chocolate's theme :)


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