
Sunday, 19 November 2017

Growing and making things part five-ish

Quite by accident, although I had made a list of a few yarn shops, we came across 'Stephen and Penelope's', a delightful little shop on Nieuwe Hoogstraat. They have the most fabulous selection of hand dyed yarn from all over the world. I wanted something local however so I bought some Undercover Otter (what a brilliant name, would love to know the story behind that). The little ones are for very expensive hexipuffs and the big hank for some random project I will give due consideration to.
I came home and set too with a vengeance to finish a few projects. My 'Lost in Time' shawl is now done. I can't seem to get a photo that shows the colour very well, but you get the idea. 
The Nori dress is making excellent progress, 
but only because I ran out of yarn for the Lilliana blanket that will be a present for mum and dad. This is a little sneak peek because I know mum comes and reads my blog sometimes 
(look away now mum):
The tomato plants in the porch were slowly giving up the ghost. I have continued to pick the tomatoes as they ripened over the last few weeks so I plucked these remaining fruits and then put the plants in the recycle bin. It has been a very satisfying exercise to grow them and I will start earlier next year. I think I just about covered the cost of the plants.

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