
Saturday, 25 April 2020

Shutdown Readathon

Life has been weird. Has your life been weird? 
Work has been frenetic. People are buying stuff like its Christmas.
The cat however does not know anything is different. 
She has become fascinated with watching for the strays that visit our yard.
Today I am off, coinciding quite pleasingly with the (last) Readathon.
I am starting when I feel like it, which is any time now 
when I have made another cuppa.
Monkey scored some plain flour at Asda so we can have pancakes.
We also have rice krispie cake.
I am reading Milkman by Anna Burns, winner of the Booker in 2018.
 It is weird. Do I really need more weirdness in my life?
I have a nice bench in the garden but have to wait for the sun to come over the yardarm.
Enjoy your day.

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