
Wednesday, 3 June 2020

100 Days - day 35 : busy day

Oh, the wonders of the interweb. 1. Get up with grand plan to finally finish making the living room divider curtain (fabric only purchased about six months ago). 2. Wind more thread on bobbin and thread runs out. 3. Search sewing shops and find that Fred Aldous not only does click and collect but stocks the required colour. 4. So excited to find that I do not have to abandon grand plan that I jump on my bike and ride straight up without waiting for confirmatory email. 5. Wait outside for a few minutes in the drizzle and nice man comes to the door with my thread. 6. Ride home triumphant.
And the rest of the day went swimmingly. I spoke too soon. I failed to appreciated that a full width curtain cannot be drawn back when the curtain pole has a centre support bracket. We tried putting it up without centre support bracket. Not a good idea. Did not wish to attempt to cut huge curtain up the centre. Compromised by moving centre support bracket as far to one side as possible and used metal garden plant hanging bracket as a hook to hold the curtain back. Curtain looks luxurious and beautiful and complements the red walls and is altogether fabulous and even drilling holes for the brackets did not stress me out.

Lovely new sandals arrived, fair trade made in Peru, from Qaylla Andean Style on Etsy:
Watched Great British Sewing Bee and felt smug cos my sewing machine got used today. Then Monkey painted my hair and I painted her hair and tomorrow we will both have fabulous hair... watch this space.

Barely went outside so as a contribution to 30 Days Wild I recommend as my Book to Make You Think - 'How To Be Wild' by Simon Barnes from 2016.
(p.s. Third osprey chick hatched.)

Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

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