
Sunday, 9 August 2020

100 Days - fivety five Sawfly

I worked hard Saturday morning and put together a second planter from scrap wood. Both have been treated and are ready to be filled with plants. All I need now is a new bag of compost. 

Tish and I sat out to eat our dinner this evening and I looked over and wondered what those random twigs were sitting in pots ... it turns out they were gooseberry plants, completely stripped of leaves:

On closer inspection it turned out to be sawfly larva, and despite the excitement of new life arriving in the garden I'm afraid they were squished. The gooseberry bushes will apparently survive such an attack, but the larva will pupate in the soil and then come out and lay more eggs so they had to go.

New life in the form of poppies is much more acceptable.

On leave this week. Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. We've had sawfly. They do go away eventually. Hopefully the gooseberry twigs will survive.


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