
Saturday, 19 September 2020

100 Days - 64th : supercharged flapjack


I have been learning all sorts of things while we have been gymming, mostly from Tish as she has been doing this stuff for several years already. I know the names of quite a few muscles, including the supraspinatus muscle, and how to stretch them. The stretching can take as much as 20 minute when we get home, but to be honest it is worth the pain because we have (mostly) not suffered from aches and stiffness from our efforts. The other important thing when exercising is protein. When you work your muscles you need to help them recover, and a hit of protein when you finish can help. I have always added bits to the basic Cranks flapjack recipe but it is a wonderfully easy recipe to supercharge with good things.

5oz margarine (butter if you fancy)

3oz dark brown sugar

couple of big spoons of golden syrup

big spoonful of molasses (for the iron)

4oz porridge oats

4oz rye flakes

2oz desiccated coconut

4oz combination of your preference: sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, linseeds (I whizz up the pumpkin and linseeds in the blender) or chopped nuts

This is way more dry ingredients than their recipe so it can be crumbly but I find theirs much too syrupy. Press firmly into a tin and bake 180 degrees 20-25 mins -ish. Keep an eye on it, it's a fine line with flapjack, I like it still a bit chewy, it's easy to slip over and make it too crunchy, unless of course that's how you like it. Chop into pieces while warm, it's impossible once it's cooled. Take some with you and eat as you walk home.


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