
Thursday, 19 November 2020

100 Days - Long term projects (day 77)

 I wrote about pistachios way back at Day 2 and I am pleased to say I found a use for the buckets of shells that we have accumulated over the year.
When we moved to Prestage Street I started making a pouffe out of random left over yarn. Like many projects it was abandoned in favour of more interesting things.
At some point I searched for suggestion for what to do with the pistachio shells and came across the idea to use them like beanbag filling.
They are covered in salt so I washed them in a big tub and then dried them in the yard (this is just one of four batches):
and then sewed some fabric bags to try and keep them in shape (time will tell how this works out):
Last night I finally put the whole thing together. The top and sides were one piece then a separate circle for the base. I bought a thick piece of foam to add on the top after Toby commented that it would be a bit lumpy (from Manchester Foam who will cut any thickness to any size for you). By the bins a month or two ago I found some abandoned kitchen units and removed one of the back pieces of hardboard and cut a circle to make a solid base. Then I crocheted on the circle base with double thickness yarn. It weights a ton but is pretty comfy. It's only taken me two years to finish.
And sometimes we do quick projects. Monkey picked up a set of the cutest cookie cutters when we went to Ikea recently. Using this BBC Mary Berry recipe we rustled up some moose cookies:
Stay safe. See you tomorrow.


  1. Once again, I'm admiring your ingenuity! Very cute pouf. I suppose it's the board that make it heavy?

    I also like the cookies: so Canadian-looking.

  2. The sheer quantity of shells is surprisingly heavy.
    Tish's friend just moved the Canada and was hoping to see moose but it turns out she's in the wrong area.


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