
Wednesday, 30 December 2020

100th Day - oh duck


Here we go again. Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water the world is shutting down again. No library books, no gym, nothing decent on the telly, we're going to have to make our own entertainment, good job I got a nice puzzle for christmas. The packet backlog at work is nearly gone, and now we have to close all the shops and send people back to the interweb. But now is the perfect time to stay home, stay safe and, if you can avoid going to work, do a puzzle. Wash your hands, wear your mask and do that thing with the open windows, even though it is bloody freezing outside (the covid situation was much more bearable when the sun was shining). Find your spot in the queue for a vaccine and turn up promptly when your invitation arrives. It feels like people have put up with so much, and so many people have already died, we have to see it through and keep taking our responsibilities to each other seriously. While I feel angry about all the delays and prevaricating, and furious at the fact that some businesses, and some individuals, have made a lot of money out of this crisis, it is at times like these that people show the positive strengths of human nature. It's been a slog, lets slog on until it's safe for us all.

Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I got a little behind in my email inbox over the last couple of weeks - but I wanted to be sure I congratulated you on this post. So, congratulations! Not just on this post, but on every one of the 100, all of which I've read with interest.


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