
Monday, 4 January 2021

Part 3 - Lockdown with a Vengeance


Barely had the news finished than the internet was doing it's thing on the new lockdown situation. Tish's feed suggested Lockdown III The Virus Strikes Back, but we're Die Hard fans in our house. Monkey got her essay submitted so we opened my Christmas puzzle, and are cursing Tish (who chose it). 
It may look like this, at some point 
in the next few weeks, but not any time soon methinks:

Tish is back testing students, but Monkey is probably not back in the classroom for some time yet. There have been no in-person classes since March. Exams will be on zoom in the next few weeks. Having checked the opening times at work they have been cut somewhat so I will probably be back out on delivery.
My Guardian literary diet went somewhat downhill from Maya Angelou. I watched 'Clueless', and found it vacuous in the extreme, as you might expect, lacking any of the real character development you expect from Jane Austen. I watched the video of Kate Bush, but was never a fan. Today's suggestion of the Monologue Library was however quite interesting and enjoyable, though more about dramatic performance than literary content. Have finished reading 'Trumpet' by Jackie Kay, but it deserves a proper review, so will try and find time tomorrow.
Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

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