
Monday, 22 February 2021

Puzzle Torture


Back at the beginning of January we started the Klimt Life and Death puzzle, seven long weeks ago. Seven long weeks of lockdown, without the gym to keep us from slugdom. We have worked out with Joe, sometimes even a couple of times a week, but often not. We have only had Criminal Minds and Silent Witness to keep us going. And the puzzle ...
The puzzle however became even worse torture than we anticipated at the start. While the lovely colourful part was completed with ease it went downhill from there. And pieces would fit in the wrong place!! This should not happen. Moving into the good daylight in the front room helped a bit and we went from several hundred pieces down to about 50. Then we had to start moving pieces. We got down to a dozen, and none of them fit in the space that was left. Often we would end a session with more spaces than we started with, but gradually, oh so gradually, became more confident that things were in the correct place. This morning I was down to three ...
armed with a trusty pin to pick out errant pieces I made some final adjustments.
I am going to buy a frame because we are NEVER doing this puzzle again.
I was going to review 'The Hearing Trumpet' by Leonora Carrington, which I finished a week ago, but am too emotionally drained.

Stay safe. Be kind. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completing this. It's stunning.

    There really should be a warning on those puzzles that contain pieces that will fit in the wrong places.


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