
Saturday, 24 April 2021

New growth


I got an email from the Wildlife Trusts the other day, inviting me to join 30 Days Wild again, so even though it doesn't start for another five weeks you can anticipate lots (by that I mean even more) post about the garden, and probably ospreys too. On the first day of the challenge last year I went out and chopped down the bay bush that started a summer of growing stuff and getting very excited about my garden. It is nice to look back at the photos of how empty it was, and see how much it has changed. I will wait for everything to leaf out and flower up before putting them side by side. One thing that hasn't changed is how impatient I am for things to grow.  I went out this morning to take out the seedlings and was so excited to find the plum tree has several actual new branches. 

Also, more poetry, just because:

Stay safe. Be kind. Admire a tree.

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