
Sunday, 4 April 2021

One year on

One year on and the ducks on the pond are braving another year, maybe a few ducklings and cootlings and goslings will make it this year, but the corvids have to eat too.
The herons are back in their spot, though we never got a glimpse of the heronlets.
If you pop over to the Osprey Cam; it looks slightly sad and deserted, but also expectant... Louis and Aila could be back any time.
At home the grape hyacinth are looking lovely:
and this curious plant started sprouting from what I assumed was a dead stump in a dried out pot; mum couldn't identify it so it will be wait-and-see what happens:
Stay safe. Be kind. Stay human.


  1. Thank you for popping over to my blog - it's been a while since we visited each others I think. I was reminded of your list of 101 books - such a good project. I started to 'shop my library' a few years ago (there's a post on it somewhere) - reading only those books that were unread on my shelves. I have lapsed now and buy more all the time - but hey, there are much worse vices in this world than collecting books and supporting writers!

  2. Corvids (which I had to look up) eat baby ducks? ewww . . .

    Grape hyacinths are lovely - now that I've seen yours, I think I have to add some to my spring garden.

  3. Inner city Manchester is home to an inordinate number of magpies, rooks, ravens and suchlike, round here they far outnumber the smaller garden birds, and they pick off the babies of the unsuspecting waterfowl. It was sad to see the cootlings dwindle but such is the way of things.


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.