
Thursday, 7 April 2022

F is for Fabulous Fukuoka Fountains


I was telling Monkey yesterday on WhatsApp about my A to Z and she shared some videos she had taken of these wonderful illuminated fountains in the shopping centre (which appear to be quite famous because they are on youtube as well). Apparently every half an hour they start a new different display and she had to keep going back and watching them. I said they are like water fireworks. And add a second joy to the fabulous Fukuoka fountains, because alphabetical blogging also lends itself beautifully to alliteration, and alliteration also gives me much joy. 

Stay safe. Be kind. Don't shop, just enjoy the sights.

1 comment:

  1. Have seen musical fountains near Dubai Bhurj Khalifa and also in some gardens in India. They are magical

    Visiting from AtoZ
    Jayashree writes


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