
Tuesday, 12 April 2022

J is for Jam


For years I made blackberry and apple jam every autumn. The smell of it simmering is the best smell in the world. The Fallowfield Loop is my go-to place to pick blackberries. I would stop off on my ride home from work and gather a pound or two. I would make a whole lot, I like to be able to give jars away. But I have not made any for several years, because there is a stash in the top cupboard. It is practically vintage. Tish has been the one making jam more recently, gooseberry and fennel, and rhubarb and ginger, with fruit from Julie and Al's allotment. 

Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.
Stay safe. Be kind. Spread a little jam on your toast.


  1. I love blackberry jam! Are your blackberries "good" kinds, or the invasive Himalayan? They still taste good of course! I made plum last year. My favorite is peach jam, but my tree isn't big enough to have that much fruit.

  2. Gooseberry and Fennel - I never heard of that one but I may give it a go...

  3. Blackberry and apple sounds like a great combination! I make fig jam from trees in my backyard.

    Ronel visiting for the A-Z Challenge My Languishing TBR: J


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