
Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Garden developments

The 'ladder' planter arrived Monday (thanks to Dunk who came over and waited for the DHL man for me), courtesy of GardenWoodUK on Etsy. I have planted two of the steps with some of my plants from Rosybee. I found their advert in the Gardener's World mag and they specialise in plants for pollinators. I am so thrilled with what they sent, the plants were large and sturdy compared to the plug plants that I got from Marshalls last year, none of which flourished. I have also put in some chard seedling that Julie gave me in another step. Some of the seedlings that are currently indoors will probably go in the bottom step. 

All sorts of other things are doing so well and I am excited to get home and see what else is popping up.
This is a beauty that mum gave me in the autumn, will have to check with her for the name:
The violas made it through a second winter and have started flowering again. They were such a joy last year, putting out flowers all summer :
Lots of seedlings are doing their thing outside as well as on the windowsills indoors. These are poppy seedlings just ready to pot up:
Bees are arriving too:
This, I think, is a self-seeded geranium, just quietly getting on with making the garden more beautiful:
This weed appeared back in March, it has the most lovely tiny delicate flowers, and is now so tangled around the bench that I hardly have room to sit:
The lettuce Claire and I planted a month ago is coming on a storm:
so Tish and I had some for dinner the other night:
And apparently in Japan pretty much everything has to have a mascot:

Stay safe. Be kind. Get out more (you know you should).

1 comment:

  1. Such pretty flowers growing! I do like that ladder planter!!



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