
Monday, 16 May 2022

Why do we own silver polish?

Sadly last night I knocked a bottle out of the cupboard and smashed my lovely purple teapot, that my sister bought me probably seven or eight years ago. That's a pretty good lifespan for a teapot. I improvised overnight with a pyrex jug and a small tea plate as a lid, but then rode over to our favourite Hope Direct Charity shop on Chorlton road this morning. I could pretty much guarantee to find a replacement:
also they have en excellent selection of puzzles:
and my teaspoons at work keep 'disappearing' so I thought I would just buy a whole stash and be sure to always find one:
I got all excited when I spotted this George VI one; alas, it is only nickel silver ... but I gave it a good polish anyway: 
The rain is stopped now so I can go and do some pottering.
Stay safe. Be kind. Polish your silver.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I bet you were a bit sad when that teapot broke. It was such a lovely color! Glad you could find a replacement one! That puzzle looks like it will be fun to do! I have 2 pieces of silver. The goblets my husband and me did our wedding toasts in almost 42 years ago. They should be polished but I don't think we own any silver polish here. Might have to remedy that soon.



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