
Wednesday, 1 June 2022

30 Days Wild - Bee sex

So I thought I would try and join in with 30 Days Wild with the Wildlife Trusts again this year. I mean, I have to go to work a lot so often don't have time to go exploring the great outdoors but I have my little patch of greenery that brings nature to my back door. 
Sitting out the other afternoon, just counting the bees on the physocarpus opulifolius when I spotted what I thought was a very fat bumblebee. It turned out to be two bumblebees. Tree bumblebees to be precise, according to the Urban Bees website (who will send you regular update on bee identification if you sign up). 
This is what they look like close up:
I am determined to learn some more about bees this summer. There were actually two species on the bush, the tree bumblebee and the white tailed bumblebee. There were different sized ones of both species but it seems in general with bees the males are the smaller ones.
And sometimes the flowers just come in handy as protection from a Manchester downpour:
Meanwhile in Japan ... fire walking:
Stay safe. Be kind. Watch where you tread.

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