
Saturday, 30 July 2022

Another view

After being not-ill with covid last week, this week I am very ill with probably-flu and have now lain in bed for two days, practically unheard of in my adult life.
A year ago I posted an aerial view of the yard, and it looks even more lush this year, though the leaves on the persicaria is all brown and unhealthy and I'm not sure whether to cut it right back. I like the way the amount of concrete showing has decreased dramatically.
I have picked a few tomatoes but last night there was enough to adorn the pizzas (I bought two seedlings at Hulme Garden Centre when Claire visited and there was no info on them, one turned out to be a yellow tomato):
The nigella finally bloomed, which is lovely (and will self-seed Claire says):
and the tiny stocks flower, (the seedlings last year never grew and were major disappointment):
Meanwhile, in Japan ... beetle sex:

Stay safe. Be kind. If you have to stay in bed, just look out of the window.


Thanks for stopping by. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions (reading or otherwise) always most welcome.