
Sunday, 17 July 2022

Heatwave joys

The water buttts are empty so it's good old tap water for everybody in the garden. I moved the littlies round into the shady area in the hope of protecting them from the worst effects, and everyone seems to have survived, apart from a couple of seedlings that got munched by the slugs.
This lovely red fluffy spike flower is in the wildflower tub; I have no idea what it is but it delights me.
Here is a lovely melange of coriander gone to flower, cornflowers and lavender:
Here,  a beautiful borage flower:
And the buddleia on Dunk's doorstep has finally flowered. It started out a couple of years ago as a little weed, that got broken by passing traffic, but it was a determined little bugger and it has survived the utter lack of any nutrients or moisture to make its home four feet up some concrete steps:
Stay safe. Be kind. Stay hydrated and out of the sun.

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