
Saturday, 10 December 2022

Christmas Posting Advice 2022

Further to my decade old post on Christmas posting advice I have some additional important messages.
Don't post anything this Christmas.
Get up, put your coat on and go to a real shop.
Buy presents, wrapping paper and sellotape.
Come home, wrap presents, give them to people.
Don't order something online and expect it to arrive on time,
chances are pretty high that it won't.
(Don't come into the callers office and ask me where it is either.)
Even Special Deliveries are arriving late.
For friends and family far away give a charity donation to a cause close to their heart.
Strikes are planned for 14th, 15th, 23rd and 24th December.
I was hoping they were bluffing and would call them off, but that seems unlikely.
I am very stressed by what is happening but have no means to affect the situation.
Don't cancel Christmas just because pressies are missing, try and enjoy what you have with the people you love, get a big bottle of Baileys and settle in for the weekend.
(Well that's my plan anyhow.)

So apparently 17,500 people gathered in Parliament Square yesterday, that's over 10% of the workforce. We took an impromptu march down to Buckingham Palace, but the Manchester South contingent headed back for our bus just before the police arrived.
Here is little me being interviewed by a nice french journalist:
Stay safe. Be kind. Stand for something, or you'll fall for anything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not understanding why you're telling people not to post anything this Christmas. For many of us, it's the first Christmas gathering in since Covid. I think people might be taking more pictures than normal since for some it's the first time they've seen some family in 3 years. Not up to speed about your strikes, but hope whatever is scheduled doesn't get ugly or violent. Is your 17,500 what you expected? Good luck with your quest. Out blog walking this morning and found myself here, swing by for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.


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