
Wednesday, 8 March 2023

International Women's Day

The move towards decent representation of women in our government is painfully slow. The Electoral Reform Society currently has a petition running to demand proper reform of the upper chamber. Perhaps if more women are making policy the impact of decisions on women will be better reflected. 
At the other end of the situation I read an interesting interview with Laura Bates yesterday talking about the daily experience of girls and young women and how internet misogyny is having a huge impact on their lives. The whole school uniform debate seems so small in relation to the problems that women around the world face but it become a microcosm of the way society views women's responsibility for their mere presence in the world.
Stay safe. Be kind. Take a stand or donate on International Women's Day
(maybe Women for Women International which supports women recovering from conflict.)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. The world over women are sliding backwards thanks to the far right taking away womens rights.


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