
Saturday, 1 April 2023

A is for Avocado

Hello and welcome to the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge. Yesterday I randomly visited Deniz at The Girdle of Melian and she reminded me that it was about to start. I nearly missed it last year and jumped in at day 4, so at least I am starting on time today and get brownie points for that. I pondered for a while about what to do as a theme, and then realised it was the perfect excuse to write more about my garden. So this year I am going to write about the plants and creatures that live on my 180 square feet of concrete (and the fact that they have latin names as well as common ones may help with the obscure letters). A is for avocado tree, and while it is currently on the window sill it will go in the garden once the risk of frost has passed. It thrives in the fresh air, sunshine and rain and you can see a visible improvement in the health of the leaves. This tree was grown from an avocado pit about 4 years ago and is 2 feet 9 inches tall. You are not going to get any avocados but they are lovely plants nonetheless.
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge website
#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge
Stay safe. Be kind. Blog from A to Z.


  1. Lovely plant! Mine got killed by guinea fowl after it was planted outside... Sigh. I'll just have to try again :-)

    Ronel visiting for A:
    My Languishing TBR: A
    Accomplished Athena

  2. When we lived in Florida we had avocado trees. Sadly most of the fruit was too high and the rats got most of them.

  3. I'm the oddball who doesn't care for avocados. LOL!


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