
Friday, 7 April 2023

F is for Fritillary

I am so thrilled that my Snake's Head Fritillary finally opened yesterday so that I would get a photo. 
I bought a whole load of bulbs back in the autumn, many of which joined the plum tree in his new half barrel. The crocuses have come and gone already, but, as you can just see in the background, the grape hyacinth are also currently out, but this one is my new favourite of the season. It is so called for the pattern on its petals that look like snake skin. It's always good to get a few things that flower early to give the insects something to visit and I chose a variety of bulbs that will come up over the next month or two.
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter F
Stay safe. Be kind. Enjoy the spring bulbs.


  1. It's like that flower is plaid. Very unusual...

  2. So pretty! I'll have to buy some bulbs for next season.

    Ronel visiting for F:
    My Languishing TBR: F
    Fiery Farralis


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