
Friday, 14 April 2023

L is for Lamb's Ears

I know, that is not a very interesting photo of a lamb's ear plant. They are the kind of plant that small children find delightful as the leaves are soft and fluffy. They don't much like getting cold and wet, the leaves will rot away. My plant was reduced to this little stubby root over the winter but I was so pleased to go out a few weeks ago and find new growth starting. It is one of the delights of spring so I relish every little shoot and bud.
Hopefully later in the year it will look more like this:
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter L
Stay safe. Be kind. Relish the new buds.


  1. I haven't seen lamb's ear for years. It was always a delight to 'stroke' them, but then I grew up . . . sigh.

  2. So wonderfully purple when it comes up.

    And lamb's ears - the plant - are so wonderfully fuzzy and frizzy.

    Hope your plant doesn't get too cold and wet.

    The way the plant grows reminds me of asparagus.

    Adelaide @ Halfway up Rysy Peak

  3. The Missouri Botanical Garden has a touching garden for children and people with vision difficulties. Lamb's ear is always a big feature.


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