
Monday, 17 April 2023

N is for Nigella and Nasturtium

The letter N brings us some delightful flowers that are all round wonderful. Above is Nigella, also known as love-in-a-mist. It is a wildflower that will self seed once it gets established in your garden and is much loved by the bees. They have attractive poppy like seed heads that you can just leave to dry out after the plant has finished flowering and then collect the seed by shaking them inside a paper bag.
Below are some Nasturtiums, similarly easy to grow from seed and great for pollinators ... with the added benefit that the flowers are edible, I added them to my salad lunches several times last summer:
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter N
Stay safe. Be kind. Pot up some of those seedlings this week!


  1. I have nasturtiums and nigella on my A - Z post, too - and nuthatches.

  2. The nigella is so pretty!

  3. I have nasturtiums in my garden next to the chickens -- and they love eating it :-)

    Ronel visiting for N:
    My Languishing TBR: N
    Nymphs of All Kinds


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