
Saturday, 22 April 2023

S is for Skeleton

So many Ss so little time (well I have all afternoon but so many other things to do as well as write a blog post). S plants abound all over the garden and the year.
Every year I have tried to grow spinach. Every year I have got little plants but they have never grown very big and often very munched by the slugs. I'll keep trying.
Sweet peas are another plant I have struggled with. I planted seeds in November as advised by Monty; they are still alive but just long and straggly. I did have some lovely plants in 2021 but they were all the same colour. Maybe this year's will give me more variety.
Sedums are lovely for late summer/early autumn flowers, and the bees really like them. They do die off over winter and pop back up in the spring.
Sunflowers have given me much joy, also because there were several that seeded themselves last year so popped up in unexpected places. I tend to grow the smaller kinds rather than giant ones since I have limited space:
Salvia are much beloved by Gardener's World. They are 'tender' but mine seems to have survived the winter ok (which is good because my cuttings were a bust):
I have a few snowdrops, something else that my mum sent (she is a source of much plant love and every time I visit I come home with more stuff). They are a delight to remind us, in the cold of January, that the spring is coming:
Linking back to the A to Z Challenge.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 letter S
Stay safe. Be kind. Have another cup of tea.


  1. Your plants are lovely. I've never had much luck with sweetpeas, but I love their fragrance. And sunflowers are so cheery. Come late summer and early fall, they attract a lot of goldfinches where I'm at, and they're fun to watch as well.

  2. Lots of lovely, bee-friendly plants. I always forget about sunflowers until it's too late - maybe this year.

  3. So pretty. I should probably give my garden a bit more attention :-)

    Ronel visiting for S:
    My Languishing TBR: S
    Speedy Steeds

  4. So many pretty plants/flowers!

    Donna McNicol - My A to Z Blogs
    DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and Significant Memories
    My Snap Memories - My Life in Black & White


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