
Monday, 29 May 2023

Offspring Joy


I have written about Lewis' birthday several times, funny how the others never get a mention. I posted in 2020 as part of my 100 Days to Offload and then this morning I am having a binge of my room (that was disgustingly dusty), moving all the furniture to clean underneath and what did I find but my favourite photo of him that was lost. It was down behind the chest of drawers. We visited Brimham Rocks all the time when we lived in Harrogate, it was their favourite place. It is fantastic because there is nobody standing around telling you to be careful, no warning signs or safety rails, and children can just learn to trust themselves and take risks. And you stand underneath to break their fall if you are worried. It is, I suppose, quite dangerous. You can climb pretty high, but there are lots of little rocks for the younger kids to practice on, and get a sense of achievement, before they move on to more challenging ones. And now he is 35 and a dad and getting married in a couple of months ... a real grown up, that I somehow never quite imagined he would be. 
Stay safe. Be kind. Don't be afraid to climb.


  1. Wait until your grandchildren start getting married - that's a real startler ;-)

    1. Grandchildren are 2 and six months so I have a while to wait for that:-)


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