
Sunday, 10 December 2023

The Future

I had to take 'The Animals in That Country' by Laura Jean McKay back to the library because 'The Future' by Naomi Alderman arrived ... and there are only so many hours in the day when I'm not at work. It's a pandemic story with a disease that makes people able to understand animals. While I like a good disaster movie as much as the next person I was not finding the story very engaging and the nonsense that the animals were talking was just meaningless and I was impatient with it. And anyway, The Future arrived.

So now I have to try and write a review without giving *anything* away about this book. Like 'The Martian' (that I read nearly a decade ago!) it feels like a book that will make an excellent film ... the end of the world is nigh, how would you behave, what would you need to survive, will technology save the day ...
It is a portrait of the power of wealth, and of inequality, and of how the super rich do seem to live on a different planet from the rest of us.
That's all I can say, anything else would step into spoilers.

Stay safe. Be kind. Be prepared.


  1. I used to read to the bitter end but now have decided that's pointless, so don't.

  2. Talking Animals...yeah I wouldn't get very far with that and would have returned it pronto. The that some thought; but my to read list is way too long as it is.


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